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Elizabeth Layton & Ian Munro


Elizabeth Layton & Ian MunroPurchase Tickets

Recitals Australia is proud to present Elizabeth Layton (violin) and Ian Munro (piano) in a program of music that will include Beethoven, Debussy, Ysaÿe and Ian Munro’s own compositions.

Elizabeth Layton has a distinguished career as soloist and chamber music player working with some of the world’s finest ensembles and orchestras. Ian Munro has emerged over recent years as one of Australia’s most distinguished and awarded musicians, with a career that has taken him to thirty countries in Europe, Asia, North America and Australasia. Their consummate skills working together in the wonderful acoustic of Elder Hall will make for an unmissable concert.

Booking Information

Sunday May 10 at 3.30pm
Elder Hall, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

Adults $35, Concession $27, Student $15 (+ applicable booking fees)
Duration 110 minutes (including interval)

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