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Luca Ciarla Meets Chris Jarrett


Chris Jarrett & Luca CiarlaPurchase Tickets

Internationally acclaimed composer and pianist Chris Jarrett meets up with worldwide improviser and magician of the violin Luca Ciarla for a unique duo on the border between jazz and contemporary music.

Luca Ciarla’s sprite-like playing and the quick-fingered expressivity of Chris Jarrett’s improvisations met, hugged, collided; sometimes following parallel paths and other times going in different directions only to meet at the common goal.

Chris Jarrett and Luca Ciarla will also present masterclasses for the students and invited alumni of the Elder Conservatorium ( note: not open to the general public) on Wednesday 4 March:

Morning: (11:00pm to 1:00pm) Chris Jarrett Workshop with Keyboard Students in the Jazz Course
Afternoon: (4.30pm to 6.30pm) Luca Ciarla Masterclass with String Students

Booking Information

Thursday 5 March at 6.15pm
Elder Hall, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

Adults $35, Concession $27, Student $15 (+ applicable booking fees)
Duration approx. 100 minutes (no interval)

Purchase Tickets


“A concert event experienced by an enthusiastic audience who had a chance to admire the versatile Chris Jarrett and the original and surprising Luca Ciarla in an atmosphere opulent with musical colours, an exclusive event that will stay alive in the historical musical memory of Naples” – La Gazzetta dello Spettacolo (Italy)

“This dialling Italian violinist (Luca Ciarla) and composer puts his instrument at the service of a sparkling repertoire blending jazz, classical music and European folklore. Another champion of the resined bow.” – Montreal Jazz Festival

“[Chris Jarrett] feels at home in the world of spontaneity, plays outside of all categories, and surprises the listener with sound experiments which, in spite of all the freedom, follow an inner logic. Such unconventional, fresh-saucy and humorous music makes you hungry for more.” – Jazzpodium, Germany

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